Caroline's health/doctor's visits took up some major time this month. She got another ear infection at the beginning of the month. You know, perfect timing since she was getting her tubes the very next week. We were finally able to get her fever down enough to get the pre-op physical done but had to postpone her 15 month well baby visit and immunizations for almost a month (more on that in a minute). She got her tubes put in on March 7 and did great! She was banging on the door and saying, "outside" that very afternoon. The next day, we all packed up to drive to Gainesville for her appointment with the rheumatologist. After a quick exam, the doctor kinda looked at us like we were crazy for coming to see her. She ordered some more blood work (4 vials!!) that pretty much just seemed like a formality. We never heard anything from the blood work (and being the super busy, bad mom that I am, I haven't called), but I'm assuming no news is good news. The doc said that if we wanted to check one final thing off the list, we could have her checked out by an opthamologist to check for inflammation in her eyes, which could be a sign of arthritis. I'm happy to report that on the couple of occasions that I've taken her temperature, it's only been around 99. Well, except for March 15 when it reached a nice 102.something. I, being the busy and bad mom again, thought it was an ear infection again and sent her to daycare (I was planning on taking her to the doctor the next day, which is my day off). Turns out, she had RSV. Thankfully, it never got worse than a runny nose, high temps, and terrible cough. All that lasted about a week. We were finally able to schedule her well baby visit on March 30, when she was almost 16 months.
Watching Toy Story with Daddy before her surgery
Drugged baby on the way home
RSV baby
A few more things did happen outside of the doctor's office. Here they are in random order. :-) John was out of town for work for a couple of weeks. I joined a great women's softball team that a friend from work plays on. It's been about 2 years since I'd played and I was ready to get out on the field again. John joined his office's kickball team, and apparently is an ace on the pitcher's mound! Caroline and I will be his cheerleaders on Wednesday! I had a super fun and much needed girl's night out involving Mossfire Grill, adult beverages, Sugarland, and a super fun mommy friend, Julie! I tried my hand at becoming a rep for Kelly's Kids and wasn't very successful (guess I'll have to stick to building my future applique business!). Two of our great friends, Amy and Jack, came to visit! We had a yummy dinner at the Casbah, a fun cook out, girl's lunch and shopping trip while the boys went target shooting, and a game of Trivia Pursuit that we lost because they got the easiest questions ever!! Caroline and I had a playdate with friends from Gymboree. John, Caroline, and I took a road trip in a 15 passenger van with his dad and his girlfriend and brother and his family to Kentucky to see his grandfather. Then his mom came for a visit the next weekend--we had a fun time at the beach and John and I got to run errands sans baby on Sunday.
Snacktime with cousin Christian
One of the million attempts at a good picture with 2 toddlers
Whew! I'm tired just typing this. Hope I haven't bored you. Just wanted to let you know why I seemed to have dropped off the face of the blogging world for a bit. I promise to be better!!
I am tired just reading your post - ha!
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